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herd sires
S: Little Tots Estate Cloudancing +*B
SS: AGS Kae Bar Te Cad Coupe +*B
SD: SGCH Juren's Sugar Glider 2*M
D: GCH Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1*M
DS: SM3Pines VJ Xone Fo Contention
DD: Little Tots Estate Pistacia
Chamoisee, extensive white, roaning and blue eyes! After extensive research we have decided to add this buck to our line up. Cedar View is famous for raising several top 10 milkers and several elite goats that excel in the show ring and milk 1000+ lbs on lactation. Sugar Glider, Titan's sires dam, is a 10 x GCH, 4 x RGCH, and 3x Best Udder!
Dam Milk Test: 5th FF - 235 DIM, 810 lbs, 45 Fat, 31 Protein. Highest milk test of 6.0 lbs
Sire Dam Milk Test: no AR information

Sire: Little Tots Estate Cloudancing +*B

Sire's Dam: SGCH SM3Pines Juren's Sugar Glider 2*M

Dam: Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1*M

Dam's Dam: Little Tots Estate Pistacia

Pictures courtesy of Sugar Creek Haven, Little Tots and Cedar View
Gardenviewfarm jpj justintime *B
S: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B 89VEV
SS: Old Mountain Farm Inlikequinn +*B
SD: Old Mountain Farm Peris 2*M 87VVVE
D: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M 90 VEEE
DS: Cuatlilredbarn Count Chocula
DD: Wood bridge Farm Serendipity
Black and white, frosted ears and nose, blue eyes! We transported this guy all the way from New York state. His dam is a stellar doe that is very well known in the dairy world. JT has some nice daughters already on the ground in the show ring and milk pail. We can't wait to see the beautiful kids he throws!
Dam milk test: 2nd FF, DIM 261, 750 lbs, 35 Fat, 30 protein. Highest milk test of 5.0 lbs
Sire Dam test: no AR ST results

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Justplainjoe *B

Dam: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M 90VEEE

Sire's Dam: Old Mountain Farm Peris 2*M
Sire's Sire: Old Mountain Farm InlikeQuinn *B
Dam's Sire: Cuatlilredbarn Count Chocula
Dam's Dam: Woodbridge Farm Serendiptity

Pictures courtesy of Old Mountain Farm, Woodbridge Farm, Gardenview Farm
aw 3 Acres tinsel
For Sale $800
S: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe +*B 89VEV
SD: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M 90 VEEE
D: Baumgartner Acres Liberty
DS: Flat Rock's Blue Chrome
DD: Elmwood Sunflower's Marigold
silver with blue eyes

Sire: Gardenview Farm JPJ Justintime *B

Sire's Dam: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M 90VEEE

Pictures courtesy of Old Mountain Farm, Woodbridge Farm, Gardenview Farm
Dam: Baumgartner Acres Liberty

Golden heart m maximus titus
S: Sugar Moon N Moon Over munson *B
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Nightshade ++*B
SD: SG Sugar Moon O Summer-Fall 2*M
D: Sweet DD BC Gingerbread
DS: Sugar Moon BL Boom Chocolatta *B
DD: SG Sugar Moon O Gretl 2*M
Titus dam is milking over 5 lbs on her current milk test and projected to go over 1200 lbs during her entire lactation. Sugar moon lines are known for being heavy milkers with easy to milk teats. We hope Titus brings in some heavy milk lines to our current does.

S2 Registered buck
For Sale $350
DOB: 2/28/2024
Buckskin, brown eyes, disbudded, possible moonspots
AW 3 Acres 'you name him'
S: Dill's DD Up Town*B
SS: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly
SD: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE90
D: Critter Grove C's Nicole
DS: Praire Wood CG's Caesar
DD: Praire Wood CG's Breezin Bella

Reference Sires
Dill's dd up town *B - reference sold
S: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly
SS: Zanzabeez River on the Rocks
SD: Dill's GA Whimsy 3*M VEEE90
D: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE91
DS: Dill's XM Old Hank +*B
DD: SG Dill's BF Kiss This 2*M
Swiss / bucksin combo with a moonspot.
Dam milk test: 3rd FF, DIM 250, 1010 lbs, 49 Fat, 42 protein. Highest milk test of 5.3 lbs
Sire Dam test: 1st FF, DIM 242, 690 lbs, 44 fat, 31 protein. Highest milk test of 3.8

Dam: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE91
Sire: Dill's ROR Dilly Dilly

Sire's Dam: Dill's GA Whimsy 3*M VEEE90

Sire's Sire: Zanzabeez River on the Rocks

Dam's Sire: Dill's XM Old Hank +*B
Dam's Dam: Dill's BF Kiss This

Pictures courtesy of Old Mountain Farm, Woodbridge Farm, Gardenview Farm
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